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2013 FYCO Taiwan Tour Concerts

Supported by the County of Santa Clara / Hsinchu, Taiwan Sister-County Commission and OCAC, ROC (Taiwan), FYCO is visiting the sister county and cities of Santa Clara County in Taiwan this summer. FYCO will hold cultural exchange activites and joint concerts with the local Chinese orchestras in Taipei, Hsinchu and Tainan, including A Musical Tale of Two Cities concert at the 2013 Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival.

FYCO will be hosting four Taiwan Tour concerts, starting with the first one on 06/22 (Sat), 2pm at SJCC Theater, followed by three joint concerts in Taiwan.

1. Taiwan Tour Concerts
Time: 06/22/2103 (Saturday), 2:00 pm
Place: SJCC Theater, San Jose, CA, USA
Ticket: $ 20
This concert is a sample preview of the music to be performed in Taiwan, featuring the plucked instruments ensemble Firebird from the Tang Dynasty, Chinese orchestral Harvest Drums adapted from folk music of northern China, Taiwan aboriginal Pestle and Rock Dance, and excerpts from the Chinese ballet drama Detachment of Women.

2. A Musical Tale of Two Cities in Tainan
Tainan Youth Chinese Orchestra & FYCO joint concert
Time: 06/29/2103 (Saturday), 7:30 pm
Place: Gueiren Culture Center, Performance Hall, Tainan, Taiwan
Ticket: Ticket required, available through request (free admission)

3. A Musical Tale of Two Cities in Taipei
Taipei Chinese Orchestra, Youth Group, Xisong High School Chinese Orchestra & FYCO Joint Concert
Time: 07/05/2103 (Friday), 7:30 pm
Place: Xisong High School, Auditorium Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
Ticket: No ticket required, RSVP (free admission)

4. A Musical Tale of Two Cities in Hsinchu;
Hsinchu Municipal Chinese Classical Orchestra & FYCO Joint Concert
Time: 07/09/2103 (Saturday), 7:30 pm
Place: The Hsinchu City Performance Hall, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Tickets: Available through request (free of charge)

2013 Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival
Events Program


CCTV: American Youth Chinese Orchestra Performing in Taiwan

Firebird Youth Chinese Orchestra Taiwan Tour

Musical Invocation of FYCO at County of Santa Clara Board of Supervisors Meeting, 8/13/2013.
The Board passed Resolution to express appreciation of FYCO’s visit to Santa Clara’s sister county and cities in Taiwan.

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