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Chinese Music Education for Youth
Lessons in Chinese Instrumental & Vocal Music

FYCO offers 3 levels of Chinese music training: Beginner, Junior and Senior.
Students are placed in different levels through periodic auditions.
All lessons are taught by a select group of experienced music educators.
Classes are held at San Jose City College Music Department
2100 Moorpark Ave., San Jose, CA 95128
Music Department is located at exactly the [A] mark on Yahoo Map
behind a small 30-minute parking lot.

(Map) (Driving Directions)

1. Beginner Group

Students with no Chinese instrument experience will receive lessons
on basic instrument techniques.
All beginners are required to take the Pre-Ensemble class.
To see video clips of Chinese music instruments, please visit our
Live Instruments
«Instruments & Sections» page.

Beginner ensemble
Liuqin lesson
Cello lesson

2. Junior Group

Students continue to learn instrument techniques at the intermediate level.
They will learn to perform with players of other instruments in the Basic Ensemble class.
Students may perform in a few community service program.
Please visit
«Instruments & Sections» for section structure of a Chinese orchestra.

Ruan lesson
Sheng lesson
Erhu lesson
Yangqin lesson

3. Senior Group

Individual techniques are required at a higher level.
Students attend Advanced Ensemble classes and perform with the full Chinese orchestra.
Students have many opportunities to perform at a variety of occasions and venues.
For audio and video clips of FYCO concerts, visit
«Live Recordings».

Pipa lesson
Dizi lesson
Suona class
Senior Ensemble

For more information:

Tel: (408) 253-5998